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Travel & Leisure Group Reviews Read Customer Service Reviews of travelandleisure

We mine our resources and give you access to the more than 1 million candidates in our proprietary database. We also use our connections that span the lodging, gaming/casino, real estate, restaurant and broader leisure space to find the [...]

WiHTL is a Collaboration Community devoted to increasing Diversity and Inclusion across Hospitality, Travel and Leisure

WELCOME Munghana Corporate & Leisure Travel, Tours, Car Hire, Shuttle Service

While the motivations are similar, leisure Travelers tend to be more pric­­e sensitive. For companies surrounded by economic uncertainty mixed with a competitive surge of deals worldwide, creating value is a real challenge. A value bridge can be used to [...]

Growth Opportunities for Global Travel and Hospitality Customer Engagement

Map Illustrations for Travel and Leisure

Business travel is rebounding more slowly than leisure travel, and industry experts don’t expect a full recovery before 2024. The term bleisure was first coined in 2009 by the Future Laboratory, a business consulting group. Parts of bleisure travel packages come out of the employee’s [...]