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6 Benefits of Coconut Trees, Called the Most Versatile Plant

Indonesia is a country with the third longest coastline in the world. One of the plants that usually grows on the beach is the coconut product supplier from indonesia. This tree, which can grow up to 30 meters high, is called the most versatile plant. From top to bottom, everything can be utilized!

1. Flesh is rich in nutrients and fiber

When it comes to coconut product indonesia, our minds are immediately drawn to the white, thick and sweet flesh of the fruit. In addition, coconut flesh is rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. The fiber in coconut flesh can nourish the intestines and launch the digestive system. Coconut flesh can also increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. The fun thing is, regular consumption of coconut meat can help you lose weight!

2. Coconut water is beneficial for fighting diabetes

While you’re hot on the beach, drinking a glass of young coconut water is so refreshing! Not only fresh, there are a myriad of benefits behind young coconut water. One cup of coconut water measuring 240 ml contains 46 calories, 9 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein and sufficient 10 percent of daily vitamin C needs.

Consuming coconut water can reduce free radicals, lower blood sugar levels, fight diabetes, prevent kidney stones, reduce the risk of heart problems, lower blood pressure, prevent dehydration and contain antioxidants, explained the Health Line page. One glass full of nutrients!

3. The oil can nourish hair!

Not only that, coconut oil is also rich in benefits! Coconut oil is not only used for cooking, but also for health, beauty and body care. One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 120 calories, 14 grams of fat, 0 grams of protein and 0 milligrams of cholesterol, explained The Street page.

Coconut oil is a natural conditioner for hair. When used regularly, coconut oil can make hair soft and nourished. Coconut oil is also widely used for treating burns, moisturizing the skin and protecting the skin from the sun. The content of vitamin E in it can also soften the skin.

4. The skin can be used as food containers and handicrafts

After the meat, water and oil are used, the skin or coconut shell is not thrown away. Coconut shells are used for many purposes, such as a place to eat, handicrafts and accessories. If formed properly, coconut shells can become a high-value commodity, you know!

In addition, charcoal from burning coconut shells is no less useful! Coconut charcoal produces activated carbon and is used as an ingredient in medicines, soaps and toothpaste. To obtain 1 ton of coconut charcoal, it takes more than 50 thousand coconut shells and must be burned in temperatures between 300-500 degrees Celsius.

5. The leaves can be used to make roofs and building materials

Coconut leaves not only shade us from the sun. However, coconut leaves can be used for various purposes! As used to make roofs and walls in traditional buildings. In addition, coconut leaves can be woven and used for handicrafts. Multifunctional, huh? When Eid arrives, coconut leaves are needed a lot as the main ingredient in making ketupat. There are many kinds of handicrafts from coconut leaves. Crafts can be in the form of hats, bags, baskets, accessories, fans and so on. Coastal residents can earn extra income by making crafts from coconut leaves!

6. The wood is used as a building material

This wood is referred to as strong, sturdy and environmentally friendly wood, said the Wall Street International Magazine (Wismag) page.

The wood in coconut trees is hard wood and has a high density. Its hardness varies between 600-900 kg/m³. This wood is used for various purposes, such as floor tiles, window frames, door frames, building pillars, fences, furniture and so on.